Tech Tip Thursday from Facebook

Test your EMF meter so you know what type of sources might cause it to light up or give a reading. Check it near active cell phones (both calls and text messages), microwave ovens, wireless computer networks, two-way radios, wireless phones, wireless microphones, and known power sources (including wall adapters)....

If a meter responds to a wide range of these, it is still useful to collect baseline information, but is less trustworthy for question/response sessions as there are too many potential sources of the readings. This doesn't eliminate its usefulness as an investigative tool, it just requires additional caution in its use, application, and your interpretation of results.

Practice using your EMF meter(s) in a variety of locations with known conditions. You may find that it gives recognizable patterns of output when exposed to certain sources. This will help you build a library of "natural" causes for your meter's actions.

It is also good to understand they way your meter measures and displays. Some devices are designed to respond quickly, allowing you to see short-lived events. Typically, this type of meter will have a multi-LED output that reacts very quickly (the K2, for example, has this style of meter). This style of meter is good for showing nearly instantaneous measurements, short peaks, and rate of change.

Other meters produce an average value (typically a digital output). These are good at catching slower, long-term changes and producing an quantifiable output, but not so good at detecting brief changes. They are also very bad at detecting the rate of change -- analog meters do a much better job of this.

Both types are useful and are good to have in your aresenal of equipment. Understanding what and how they measure is of equal importance.

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